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How did three big-name Boston lawyers get brought to justice?

Carolyn Elefant wonders whether she has uncovered the answer. She writes:

"I have to admit that I was a little mystified when I read about the recent Massachusetts Discipline committee's decision to disbar three prominent Boston attorneys, whose resumes included high government posts and stints at biglaw) biglaws. ...But then I read this article "Boston Legal Community Abuzz Over Disbarment" (5/14/05) and it all made sense.  Seems that the Ellen Carpenter, the hearing officer who painstakingly drafted the 229 page decision is a shingler with her own practice -- in fact, one who we blogged about here several years ago.  Could including more solo and small firm lawyers on discipline panels be what it takes to ensure that complaints  against prominent attorneys  are treated as  seriously as those against solo and small firm lawyers?  Or is this just all a coincidence?"

More here.

Posted by Product Team on May 20, 2005 at 10:03 AM | Permalink | TrackBack (1)


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MyShingle's Carolyn Elephant, chief counsel for LilliputianLaw firms everywhere, thinks she's had a Eureka! Moment. . . . As John Steele suggests, it is unlikely that the Shingler Factor has "any [Read More]

Tracked on May 20, 2005 11:27:42 PM

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