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Aftermath of Perelman's win vs. Morgan Stanley: "New playbook" for EDD?
Monica Bay brings us up to speed on Morgan Stanley's pledge to appeal the $1.4 b-b-billion-dollar verdict, and its ripple effects on the litigation support industry, as reported by Matthew McCarrick. Weighing in as The Litigation Support Guy, McCarrick writes,
"[O]ur team is hearing rumblings that suggest a whole new playbook of issues may be included in the fallout of this electronic discovery debacle. One example of this is professional liability insurers. We are getting word from the front lines that professional liability insurers are now taking a hard look at law firm exposure issues presented by ostrich-like clients who refuse to address these issues up front and then subsequently drag the firm into a Kirkland-esque jackpot ..."
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Posted by Product Team on May 26, 2005 at 01:57 PM | Permalink
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