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You're not ready, California safety commission warns state gov't

The California Seismic Safety Commission has delivered lumps of coal to state government preparedness for a tsunami, reports J. Craig Williams. He summarizes the verdict in three words, "We're not ready."

Sounds like a huge legal issue in the making to me, particularly now that I've read Thomson West's press release, which named Hurricane Katrina before the Supreme Court as two of the top legal issues of the year. Here's an excerpt:

"While the events surrounding Hurricane Katrina are just beginning to make their way into the courts, the disaster and its lasting effect on the Gulf Coast made headlines this year, and the expected legal fallout makes Katrina one of the top legal issues for 2005.

"Although technically not a legal event, I think Hurricane Katrina and the other natural disasters of 2005 will have continuing legal fallout. Contracts were broken, employment was lost, leases were abandoned, and all these issues may result in significant litigation for some time," said Dee Pridgen, author of Consumer Credit and the Law, 2006 ed. and Consumer Protection and the Law, 2005 ed. "Also, in the rebuilding, there may be issues regarding home repair scams, foreclosure scams and other overreaching of consumers."

All I have to say to my co-Californians is:

  • If you're lucky, it's only 72 hours; and
  • If you can't bring yourself to take the time to click through on the link in the previous sentence, then (a) may you live the life of a hermit in which no one else depends upon you, and (b) at the very least, put shoes, water and food in your car and come up with a plan for your kid(s) if they don't go to school within walking distance of home.

Posted by Product Team on December 13, 2005 at 02:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


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