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The Sun Shines on Sons and Daughters Who Make Rain
Larry Bodine recognizes that women sometimes have it tough making it rain at law firms. So he links to Ten Best Practices by Women Rainmakers, which lists various techniques that women can use to overcome obstacles to bringing in business. These techniques include marketing as part of a team, focusing on a niche and seeing marketing possibilities in everything you do. But those ideas benefit everyone, not just women. In my mind, the tip labeled "Set Ground Rules" is the one that's most helpful to women (or men) concerned with maintaining a work-family balance. Setting ground rules involves saying no to certain marketing endeavors, like after-hours cocktails, and instead proposing substitutes like breakfasts that better suit your schedule. This kind of marketing rule ensures that women have an opportunity to market and to come up with marketing ideas that not only accommodate their own schedules, but might more readily accommodate a prospective client's schedule as well.
The article on best practices reminds us that successful marketing is the great equalizer in the legal profession. As the article concludes: "The sun shines on those who make rain." So true.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on April 24, 2006 at 03:59 PM | Permalink
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