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Will Fancy Gifts Help Keep Clients?

Do the golf outings and ballgame box seats sway general counsel?  That's the question that most law firm marketing departments would like answered; however, according to this recent  post by Rees Morrison, the answer may disappoint.  As Morrison writes, perks like tickets and outings do sway decision makers, despite their best efforts to stay objective.  At the same time, these perks don't influence them as much as gift givers would like:

Gilbert writes that "Dozens of studies have shown that when people try to overcome their judgmental biases -- for example when they are given information [RWM: opera tickets or football seats or Michelin four star meals] and told not to let it influence their judgment -- they simply can’t comply …"

Morrison concludes that: "in-house lawyers, showered with emoluments from marketing, lose objectivity less often than the givers hope, but more often than the recipient lawyers realize."  What do you think?

Posted by Carolyn Elefant on April 17, 2006 at 03:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


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