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Blawg Review: A Flight of Fancy

If you sometimes feel you spend too much time in airports, consider Sheryl Schelin -- she works in one. Schelin is in-house counsel for the Horry County Department of Airports in Myrtle Beach, S.C., and author of the blog The Airport Lawyer.

Her knowledge of aviation serves her well as she hosts Blawg Review #63 and takes us on a sometimes-dizzying international flight high above the legal blogosphere. She starts her flyover in Toronto and then returns to the United States for a not-as-the-crow-flies trip over St. Louis, Manhattan, Boston, Washington, OklahomaTexas and Denver. From there, she soars to SomaliaChina and even Guantanamo Bay, before landing back at her home base in Myrtle Beach. She leaves us with this quote from Henry Minizburg:

"That is the trouble with flying: We always have to return to airports. Thank of how much fun flying would be if we didn't have to return to airports."

Yes, but think of what we would have missed in the world of blogs had Schelin not returned to hers.

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on June 26, 2006 at 03:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)


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