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To See What Clients Want, Search the Want-Ads

If you want to know what prospective clients want, you could ask them.  But another approach is one that comes to mind after reading Ron Friedmann's post about an ad posted by Google seeking a staff person to start a contract management program:  read the want-ads.

Several months back, Friedmann posted that transactional lawyers at BigLaw be more proactive in helping corporations manage contracts.  Looks like he was right, because he's found an ad posted by Google looking for precisely that service.   Perhaps if Google's outside lawyers had come up with this idea, they'd have an entry point to managing the project.  Now, they'll have to wait to see if Google's staff person comes calling for help.

But it's not too late.  No reason why large firms can't search the want ads, identify the types of legal and quasi-legal services corporations are seeking and package those services to make them attractive to the client. 

Posted by Carolyn Elefant on June 5, 2006 at 08:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)


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