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A Blog Above the Law
Blogger David Lat ascends out from Underneath Their Robes to a new roost at Above the Law, a
stylish legal tabloid published by Elizabeth Spiers. From today's Letter from the Editor, here's a bit of what we can expect:
Why [Above the Law]? Because many people think that lawyers are boring. And
sometimes it seems that the more lawyers people know, the more likely
they are to think this. It's true that many areas of law -- and yes, many lawyers -- are
painfully boring. But the legal profession can also be gossipy, wacky,
frivolous, and fun. And this is where we come in. We are Above the Law, and we're here to make the law entertaining -- or get RSI tryin'.
Regular features will include practice specific hotties contest (this month it's ERISA lawyers), advice for the Lawlame and Lawyers Wedding Watch (highlights from the Sunday Times Wedding pages). I've always enjoyed David Lat's writing, so I'm eagerly anticipating this new blog. But making law entertaining? He's certainly got his job cut out for him.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on August 31, 2006 at 03:40 PM | Permalink
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