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Fortune 500 First: GC Launches Blog
As Geoffrey G. Gussis reports at at InhouseBlog, Mike Dillon, general counsel of Sun Microsystems, has become the first Fortune 500 general counsel to launch a blog, with his unveiling last week of the legal thing .... In his first post, Dillon explains his reason for the move:
My primary motivation is a question that I am frequently asked. It comes in two forms. From others in my profession, it is articulated as: "What is it like being the General Counsel of a Fortune 500 company like Sun Microsystems?" From my children it is posed as: "Daddy, what do you DO at work all day?"
In the future, I'll share with you my observations on life as a GC, my views on a variety of legal issues and business trends and my thoughts about what makes this company so unique.
Dillon joins a number of Sun executives with blogs, including president Jonathan Schwartz.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on August 16, 2006 at 01:29 PM | Permalink
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