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Farewell Web 2.0, Welcome Version 3.0

I recently finished writing a three part series for Law Technology News (free registration required) surveying Web 2.0 resources for lawyers. Thank goodness I got that out of the way. Web 2.0, after all, is so yesterday, as Justin Patten notes today at his blog Human Law. Emerging to take its place is Web 3.0, fueled by a growing collection of Silicon Valley start-ups. As The New York Times reports:

"Their goal is to add a layer of meaning on top of the existing Web that would make it less of a catalog and more of a guide -- and even provide the foundation for systems that can reason in a human fashion. That level of artificial intelligence, with machines doing the thinking instead of simply following commands, has eluded researchers for more than half a century."

One Web 3.0 artificial-intelligence system named Cyc is already capable of answering sophisticated, natural-language questions such as, "Which American city would be most vulnerable to an anthrax attack during summer?" If that is the case, might Web 3.0 deliver AI applications to answer simple legal queries? I don't know the answer to that question, but Cyc might.

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on November 20, 2006 at 06:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)


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