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Odd Case of Lawyer Identity Theft
As you wrap up last-minute holiday shopping, be careful about where you flash your ID and credit cards, lest you end up like Annapolis, Md., lawyer Amanda Sprehn of the law firm Hyatt, Peters & Weber.
Sprehn was on maternity leave from her firm when authorities notified her of something rather suprising, given the circumstances: She had been caught on camera having sex with an inmate at a Maryland prison. The news struck her, she told a reporter, as a "real laugh."
Turns out, Sprehn was the victim of a mysterious case of identity theft. The Associated Press reports that a 29-year-old woman somehow obtained a Maryland State Bar Association photo ID and business card in Sprehn's name. She used them to get past prison guards to inmate Jason Moody, who is serving 30 years for manslaughter. Once alone with him, the two became engaged in decidedly unlawyerly activity. Guards who observed their behavior brought the visit -- and the activity -- to an abrupt end.
As for Sprehn, she had no idea how the woman got her ID. "I certainly feel like a victim," she said.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on December 22, 2006 at 03:47 PM | Permalink
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