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Tolerating Different Viewpoints Is a Good Thing
In this post, Rees Morrison reminds company general counsel that their viewpoint and demeanor has a trickle-down effect on others' willingness to express their views. Morrison writes:
Once the top lawyer takes a position, everyone else typically scrambles to support it or freezes into silence (See my post of Jan. 17, 2006 on passive-aggressive behavior.). Although some techniques help thaw the chill (See my post of Feb.1, 2006 with two.), the sina qua non is sensitivity by the general counsel to the conversation-stopping risk.
Morrison writes that any issue of importance will invariably have two sides. Thus, it's necessary to encourage an atmosphere where all views are vetted and worked through. So top lawyers may want to wait to express their position until they have a chance to hear from everyone else.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on December 11, 2006 at 06:29 PM | Permalink
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