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An Element-ry Idea for a Holiday Card
Though the holiday period has already passed, it's never too soon to plan for next year. And Larry Bodine has already shared some ideas in this post about a neat holiday card idea from Massachusetts IP firm Hamilton, Brook, Smith and Reynold that is clever yet utterly element-ry. As Bodine describes, Hamilton fashioned a holiday card based on the Periodic Table of the Elements, with entries like: * Li for litigation * Ho for hot toddy * Tb for Tannenbaum * Es(q) for "that's us" * ...and of course H for Hamilton, Br for Brook, Sm for Smith and Rn for Reynolds
Kudos to Hamilton for discovering a marketing formula worthy of a noble profession like law.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on January 18, 2007 at 06:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)