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YouTube: A Lawyer's Secret Weapon
Difficult times call for unconventional measures. And as described in this post at Legal Pad, unconventional measures, specifically a YouTube video, are what attorney William Teesdale took in a desperate, but as yet unsuccessful, effort to help his client, a Guantanomo detainee, gain his release.
Here's the description of Teesdale's Guantanamo Unclassified video, from Legal Pad:
Teesdale has released a short documentary video in which, on a beach in Guantanamo bay, he explains that hospital worker and teacher Adel Hamad has been held for years in detention and denied release even after a member of the military tribunal reviewing his case called his incarceration “unconscionable.” The video includes interviews with Hamad’s coworkers from Afghanistan, where he’d worked for a hospital supported by a charity that the CIA seems to think might have counter-American ideals.
Whether Teesdale's video is successful in gaining his client's release remains to be seen.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on January 18, 2007 at 06:48 PM | Permalink
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