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YouTube as Legal Strategy
Next week's National Law Journal will include this piece by Washington reporter Marcia Coyle, Gitmo Detainee Featured on YouTube May Be Set Free. It begins:
"The power of the Internet, most people would agree, is awesome, but has it done what the federal courts may no longer have jurisdiction to do — helped to free a possibly innocent man held at Guantanamo Bay?
"Last Friday, the Department of Defense (DOD) informed the Office of Federal Public Defender in Portland, Ore., that three of its detainee clients were now 'eligible for transfer,' or, in more common parlance, eligible to leave the island prison."
One of the three, Coyle writes, is Adel Hamad, an enemy combatant whose legal case was profiled in a video, Guantanamo Unclassified, posted on YouTube by his lawyers in the Federal Public Defender's Office. Did the video pave the way for his release? The Department of Defense did not respond to Coyle's call, and a lawyer for Hamad declined to speculate. But others Coyle quotes in her article suggest that "Internet full disclosure" should be seen as a visionary legal strategy.
Well worth a read.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on February 28, 2007 at 05:15 PM | Permalink
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