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One Option for Women Who Want More Balance: Leave

Leave. That's one option for women who can't find the right work-life balance at a law firm. But if you think that leaving a law firm amounts to career suicide, settling for more time at home than you'd prefer or giving up on money and prestige, think again. 

Consider the women lawyers profiled in this piece, Women Leave, by Lynne Marek, The National Law Journal (June 19, 2007). There's Mae O'Malley, mom to three children who started providing legal service on a contract basis after leaving an in-house position -- and now has 20 other lawyers who work for her. There's Stephanie Scharf, a litigator who left a large firm to open her own women-owned firm. And the article mentions several other women lawyers who've gone in-house or moved to government. 

Whether you're a female or male attorney, the article reinforces an important lesson: that partnership track isn't the sole route to becoming the boss.

Posted by Carolyn Elefant on June 19, 2007 at 06:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)


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