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More on the First Legal Blog
Earlier this week, based on some archive diving, I offered a tentative identification of the first legal blogger. That honor went to Walter Olson, who launched his blog Overlawyered on July 1, 1999. While no one has since come forward to stake an earlier claim, Olson yesterday acknowledged that he could have been first, writing, "I actually don't remember whether there were any other law-related blogs when I started out eight years ago." He adds that, for several days after launching, he was his blog's only reader, "since I waited until a few posts were up before I began notifying friends about the site."
Meanwhile, the legal profession's favorite haiku-writing blawger, David Giacalone, came up with one to mark the occasion:
digital age
aging digits
at the keyboard
Soon, it appears, we may have to launch an old-timers' club for blawgers. We can all get together on weekends and play virtual bocce.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 20, 2007 at 05:22 PM | Permalink
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