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Everyone May Be a Winner at Nixon Peabody, but Do They Have a Sense of Humor?
When David Lat of Above the Law received a copy of Nixon Peabody's theme song, "Everyone's a Winner," he did what any snarky, clever "legal tabloid" blogger would have done: He posted it. And predictably, rather than keep a sense of humor about the incident, like some bloggers or lawyers, Nixon Peabody reacted the way any humorless, stuffed-shirt stereotype of a Biglaw firm would: It demanded to know who sent the song to Lat, asserted copyright protection and asked Lat to remove the song from his site and from YouTube. As Denise Howell points out here, it's hard to understand why the firm chose this approach instead of simply "celebrating the high camp and silliness."
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on August 24, 2007 at 07:28 PM | Permalink
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