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Nixon Peabody: VH1's Summer Fave

Just when it seemed the blogosphere had drained every last guffaw out of the Nixon Peabody not-a-theme-song song (here in MP3), along comes one more: Selection of the song as the Favorite Jam of Summer 07 by the VH1 program Best Week Ever.

Unless you've been dog sledding through the Yukon the last two weeks, you know the story of the song, which the firm commissioned in celebration of being named one of Fortune magazine's 100 best companies to work for. You know that Above the Law blogger David Lat posted the song on YouTube, only to have Nixon Peabody demand it be taken down. Although a firm spokesperson asserted, "Fun is not prohibited here," the blogosphere saw it differently. Lat collects many of the links while The New York Times, Blawg Review #123 and my colleague Carolyn Elefant all provide summaries of the ensuing PR debacle.

Which brings us to this latest honor from VH1. Why pick the Nixon Peabody song as favorite summer jam? "Best Week Ever" comic Michelle Collins explains:

"Guess what, law firm? You can’t stop the tubes! And thank god. Why? Because 'Everyone's a Winner at Nixon Peabody' is officially our Favorite Jam of Summer 07! The type of tune that makes you want to get out the Bartles & James, brush n’ braid your long gray hair, tear off your stirrup pants and miniature horse cardigan, and make out with your 77-year-old husband on a nude beach somewhere in Pueto Vallarta. For real, check it out -- it's almost too good to be true, the kind of motivational song usually saved for competitions between unable-bodied peoples, not high-power blood-sucking attorneys."

Yes, everyone's a winner at Nixon Peabody -- except, it appears, the PR staff.

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on August 29, 2007 at 04:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)


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