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Lawyers in the Movies
If any lawyers in this audience are looking for an escape from work, you may want to avoid the movies for the next few weeks. Seems as if there's been a spate of lawyer movies over the past two weeks. Earlier this month, we had Michael Clayton, a George Clooney vehicle about a lawyer who cleans up problems, this time at a firm embroiled in a multimillion-dollar class action suit.
But at least in Michael Clayton, the lawyers, albeit morally bankrupt, aren't losers financially. Not so in this week's offerings. The movie Things We Lost in the Fire explores the relationship between a widow and her murdered husband's secret friend, a "down and out lawyer" living on skid row, according to today's Washington Post review. And Reservation Road seems like the most depressing of all for lawyers. It begins with an overworked attorney (Mark Ruffalo), who's talking on his cell phone, racing to get his son home when he hits and kills a 12-year-old and leaves the scene. The dead boy's distraught father (Joaquin Phoenix), intent on finding who killed his son hires -- of all people -- the Mark Ruffalo lawyer. Gee, how many ethics violations can you spot in just the description of the movie?
Lawyers seem to be popular fodder for movies, but hey, Hollywood, how about something a little more inspirational that gives lawyers reason to leave the office for entertainment?
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on October 19, 2007 at 05:33 PM | Permalink
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