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... And Your Favorite Blawgs Are
Iowa is history and so is the ABA Journal Blawg 100 readers' choice contest -- an online poll of readers' favorite legal blogs from among the editors' choices of the 100 best. Voting ended Wednesday and yesterday winners were named in each of the dozen categories, to wit:
Ironically, the top vote getter in the category JDs in Training, There's No Competition in Law School, was disqualified, writes assistant managing editor Molly McDonough, because it is defunct. "The authors ceased blogging and removed nearly all of the archived content before the voting period began," she explains. Which says something about the overall worth of a popularity poll such as this. It does not, however, detract from its entertainment value.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on January 4, 2008 at 01:57 PM | Permalink
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