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Another Presidential Roundup
Here's a roundup of stories about the lawyer candidates for president and the lawyers involved in the presidential campaigns.
Clinton and Obama Law Practice Billing Records Under Scrutiny
In an opinion piece at Huffington Post, Karen Russell comments on Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's billing records from the days when they were practicing attorneys. According to Russell's post, Clinton has claimed that Obama represented Tony Rezko, a Chicago slum landlord. However, FactCheck.org found that while Obama was associated with a law firm that represented community groups working with Rezko, he never worked on these matters directly. Obama's billing records, which he disclosed, confirm that Obama's involvement amounted to five to seven billable hours of work for a nonprofit corporation involved in a partnership with Rezko. Russell also examines Clinton's billing records, generally asserting that they reflect pervasive conflicts of interest during Mrs. Clinton's years as partner at the Rose Law Firm while her husband served as governor. The lesson behind all of this: Those billing records may always come back to haunt you, so keep that in mind when you fill out those seemingly insignificant time sheets.
Thompson's Legal Staff Migrates to Romney
When Fred Thompson dropped out of the presidential race, his legal advisers were left without a home. But according to the Boston Globe, many have now found new digs at the Mitt Romney campaign, which announced yesterday that it had signed up 10 members of the "Lawyers for Fred Thompson" group. Lawyers coming aboard include Victoria Toensing, a former Reagan Justice Department official and prominent legal commentator, as well as former Bush-Cheney lawyers Lizette D. Benedi, Rachel L. Brand, Reginald Brown, Viet D. Dinh, Noel J. Francisco and Eileen J. O'Connor; former Reagan lawyers Charles J. Cooper and Joseph E. diGenova; and conservative law professor Michael R. Dimino.
One former lawyer for Thompson won't be supporting Romney, however. Volokh conspirator Orin Kerr announced that he's supporting John McCain.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on January 25, 2008 at 04:49 PM | Permalink
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