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Rate Your Lawyers at Inside Counsel
As my colleague Bob Ambrogi has posted here before, there's no shortage of lawyer-ranking services. Today, Larry Bodine blogs about another ranking scheme sponsored by Inside Counsel magazine that's going on right now: a "rate your law firm" survey for in-house counsel.
In theory, the survey sounds like a good idea, but Bodine wonders whether users might game the results. Though Robert Vosper, editor-in-chief of Inside Counsel, claims that only registered users who are in-house counsel can rank a firm, Bodine says that "it took [me] only 60 seconds to register and vote." Bodine then added one of his favorite client firms to the list and gave it top rankings in all eight categories -- thus demonstrating how the system can indeed be manipulated.
What's your opinion? Can user-based lawyer-rating systems work -- or are they always vulnerable to gamesmanship?
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on January 25, 2008 at 04:46 PM | Permalink
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