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LTNY 2008: The King (or Queen) of LegalTech Swag?
One of the other great pastimes at LegalTech New York, or most any good trade show, is picking up vendor swag. I haven't paid for a new pen in years, thanks to them. And of course, the more intense the competition, the more ridiculous the level of swag-itude. The perpetual competition between LexisNexis and West has spawned its own mini-wave of YouTube videos spoofing their free gift battle.
But just like that other contest taking place right now on a national stage, the quest for the King (or Queen) of LegalTech Swag goes on. On the one hand, there's Cambridge Computer with their remote-controlled helicopters (seriously!). That buzzing sound you hear isn't one of them, it's the stampede up to the Cambridge booth to grab one before they're gone. On the other, Fios has a "One Laptop Per Child" giveaway. The gimmick manages to combine both technology and a good cause. Mary Mack of Fios gives the details:
It's a Hello Kitty inspired, indestructible, open source laptop
with wireless via radio for 2 mile connectivity, an ebook reader, a
music maker, a collaborative word processor, RSS reader, browser,
webcam, mic.... Originally spec'd to cost $100 each, the laptop rolled
in at a whopping $200 each.
There's still one day of the show left. Are there any other contenders out there? How do LegalTech goodies stack up compared to other shows?
Posted by John Bringardner on February 6, 2008 at 06:53 PM | Permalink
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