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Lawyers Atwitter About Twitter
What's the newest social networking-cum-marketing tool that has lawyers all atwitter? It's Twitter, of course, which is best described as a hybrid between blogging and a Web-based IM (instant messaging) system where users respond to the common question, "What are you doing now?"
For most power-Twitter users, the answer is rarely "I'm hanging around in my bathrobe" or "Getting a facial." Instead of just "twitter-ing their thumbs," you'll find that most expert Twitter-ers are exchanging tips about interesting marketing ideas they've come across or blog posts or books they've just read. For that reason, Twitter can serve as a useful marketing tool for lawyers (and as a legal lifeline for those in need of a lawyer), as Steve Matthews writes in this post, Lawyer Marketing With Twitter. Matthews lists some of the lawyers already on Twitter (you can find me here) and offers some tips on using the site. Matthew suggests that you begin by checking out the "following" lists of people you know on Twitter to find others to follow; use @ symbols followed by the user name to respond to individual messages; and above all, "smile and act like you're having fun."
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on May 6, 2008 at 02:12 PM | Permalink
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