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Changes in Store for 'Above the Law'
Popular legal-gossip blog Above the Law will soon have a new editor in place of David Lat, the former federal prosecutor turned blogger who gained notoriety in 2005 when he was revealed to be the pseudonymous Article III Groupie who wrote the blog Underneath Their Robes. Lat is moving from D.C.-based pajama-blogger to New York City-based honcho for the company that hosts his blog, Breaking Media, Lat told The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times. Lat is moving up the company ladder to oversee its three blogs -- Dealbreaker.com and Fashionista.com are the other two -- and to help develop and launch new ones.
He will still write for ATL, he says, "But we are looking to hire a new full-time editor/writer, who will take over day-to-day responsibility for ATL from me, and whose vision will largely determine the direction of the site."
As any devoted blogger will understand, the most significant aspect of the move for Lat may be this: "This gig will require me to brush my teeth, put on clothes, and schlep into an office each morning -- just like I did before I left the practice of law for blogging, some two and a half years ago." For a blogger, it is the greatest sacrifice. Let us hope for Lat's sake they are making it worth his while.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 18, 2008 at 12:31 PM | Permalink
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