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Lawyer Translator Helps Associates Understand How Firm Is Different
Minneapolis law firm Halleland Lewis Niland & Johnson wants to make absolutely sure that its prospective hires understand how the firm differs from its competitors... so much so that the firm has created The Lawyer Translator, an online recruitment Web site that translates the jargon behind law firms' promises of hefty salaries and meaningful work. From the firm's press release:
[T]he Lawyer Job Interview Translator features an online "talking head" law firm interviewer who provides pat answers to questions on topics ranging from work environment to professional development to salaries. Using this tool, Halleland Lewis distinguishes its own competitive compensation program, for example, from other firms' salary-matching practices by emphasizing its own opportunities for significant performance-based bonuses. After the virtual interviewer has given his jargonistic response, viewers of the site can click a "Translate" button to decode the jargon, then learn about the "Halleland Way" of responding to these same questions directly.
The press release also notes that the firm's associates played a significant role in developing the Translator recruitment campaign.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on July 21, 2008 at 03:56 PM | Permalink
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