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Survey: The Busiest Patent Firms
The magazine IP Law & Business is out with its annual survey of patent litigation, revealing the busiest law firms on both sides of the aisle in patent litigation. This year for the first time, the survey includes patent appeals at the Federal Circuit. There is also a change in the survey's methodology, as reporter Joe Mullin explains at his blog, The Prior Art:
This year, there's one major change worth noting here: we counted only patent cases filed in 2007 that were alive for at least two months. Last year, we counted patent cases filed in 2006 that were still alive in February 2007. Both rules are attempts to discount here-today, gone-tomorrow lawsuits. This year's method is more consistent, but probably resulted in slightly higher counts all around.
That said, here is a summary of the results:
- Firm that handles the most appeals: Howrey with 19, followed by Fish & Richardson with 16.
- Firm with the most district court cases: Fish & Richardson with 98, followed by Morrison & Foerster with 69.
- Firm that represents the most plaintiffs: Niro, Scavone, Haller & Niro with 48, followed by Fish & Richardson at 37.
- Firm that represents the most defendants: Fish & Richardson with 61, followed by Kirkland & Ellis at 49.
- Firm representing the most appellants at Federal Circuit: Fish & Richardson with a dozen, followed by Finnegan Henderson with 10.
- Firm representing most appellees at Federal Circuit: Howrey with 12, then
Paul Hastings with six.
You can see the full results here, after completing the free registration.
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on July 22, 2008 at 11:39 AM | Permalink
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