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Not Many Law Bloggers Across the Pond
Law blogs may be all the rage here in the United States, but they've been slow to gain traction across the pond, reports the Times Online. In Britain, only a handful of law practitioners maintain blogs -- and the lawyers and firms that do are reaping benefits. For example, Peter Wainman, a senior solicitor with Mills and Reeve and one of the authors of Naked Law told the Times that the blog had generated a "huge amount of PR."
So why the disparity between the number of bloggers in the U.S. and the U.K? Alex Newson, an British IT lawyer, who authors the IP blog, Impact theorizes:
The US has a more discussive culture than we do. People like to debate things. Here, we're more conservative generally, and this is especially true among law firms. I suspect that cultural barriers will inhibit firms from having blogs for a few years, but I hope that we'll see them taking the requisite leap of faith soon.
It may be, too, that the embedded right to freedom of expression in American society, in contrast to Britons' tendency to discretion (exemplified, arguably, in our highly developed libel laws), is another factor in transatlantic enthusiasm for the blogosphere.
The article lists several popular U.K. blogs, including the Legal Blog Watch network affiliate blog, Human Law.
Posted by Carolyn Elefant on August 25, 2008 at 12:11 AM | Permalink
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