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Another Law School, Another Trial Blog
In another post today, I wrote about the University of Montana blog where law and journalism students are collaborating to cover the criminal trial against W.R. Grace. A somewhat similar effort gets underway today when students from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law and the Daniels College of Business team up to begin providing daily blog coverage of the trial of the lawsuit by Ward Churchill, a former tenured faculty member of the University of Colorado who is suing over his dismissal.
The students are the same people who contribute to The Race to the Bottom, a faculty and student written blog that focuses on corporate governance. But because Churchill's lawsuit involves not corporate governance but First Amendment and employment law, the students will post to a separate blog, Ward Churchill - First Amendment Suit. They expect to post at least twice a day while the trial is in session, with one post covering the morning and the other the afternoon. Faculty and invited experts may add their own posts from time to time.
The students have already posted advance looks at the lawyers who will try the case and the judge who will preside over it.
Churchill, who taught ethnic studies, wrote a controversial essay in September 2001 in which he argued that U.S. foreign policy provoked the 9/11 attacks. His lawsuit contends those comments led to his dismissal. The university counters that his dismissal was because of conduct that fell "below minimum standards of professional integrity."
Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on March 9, 2009 at 11:23 AM | Permalink
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