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A Little Bit Twitter, a Little Bit Morality

Over more than 200 weekly issues of Blawg Review, the one consistency is that each has a theme. But after reading several times through Adrian Dayton's Blawg Review #218, I found myself unsure whether his theme is Twitter or morality. The answer, I finally concluded, is equal bits of both.

Dayton, author of the blog Marketing Strategy and the Law, begins his Blawg Review stewardship with an homage to the microblogging platform: "I give all the thanks this week to Twitter." As well he should. Since starting to tweet, Dayton has scored a major legal client, a book publisher and the invitation to host Blawg Review that brings him to the fore today.

His planned book, however, is not about Twitter, but about virtue, and its role in helping individuals -- lawyers included -- to experience greater achievements and more fulfilling lives. Thus, having given due thanks to Twitter for leading him to the soapbox, he mounts it to promote the 12 virtues he believes "will make our world a better place to live." Even still, he sprinkles in frequent references to Twitter.

Given that Dayton cites none other than me in his section on the virtue of kindness, I would be hard pressed to say anything unkind about his post. Nor would I want to. I wholeheartedly agree with Dayton on both his themes -- the virtues of Twitter and the virtues of virtue. In addition to kindness, the other virtues he discusses are integrity, courage, gratitude, leadership, balance, endurance, forgiveness, awareness, love and passion. Find these in your life, Dayton suggests, and success will follow.

The one mystery in this week's Blawg Review is that it promises 12 virtues but delivers only 11. Are we to conclude that to tweet, in itself, is the final virtue?

Posted by Robert J. Ambrogi on June 29, 2009 at 03:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)


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