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Fla. Lawyer Aims to Build 'Safari Law' Practice, Bag Big Game

Myphoto(19) On the hunt for a new practice area? Florida lawyer Ethan Andrew Way is trying to blaze a trail in "safari law," according to the Tallahasee Democrat. Way came up with the idea for his new specialization after learning that a friend with whom he'd hunted was having trouble getting his hunting trophies home from Namibia. So Way, who has 11 years of experience in less exotic practice areas like family law, criminal law and bankruptcy, got to thinking where a hunter could find help with such a legal problem. He ran an Internet search on "safari law" and, finding no specialists, bought the domain name and started handling safari-related issues and disputes.

So, what types of issues does safari law encompass? Way says that he often assists hunters with getting permits required for transporting firearms and dealing with regulations related to animal trophies. At this time, safari law is just a small part of Way's practice -- less than five percent. But Way still aspires to grow his the practice and eventually spend several months a year overseas, hunting and working on safari law cases.

Posted by Carolyn Elefant on August 21, 2009 at 03:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)


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