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Thursday's Three Burning Legal Questions

Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blawgosphere.

1) Question: My husband of 17 years left his cell phone at home. I was checking it out and discovered that the nickname he has attached to my phone number in his Contacts is "Guantanamo." Grounds for divorce?

Answer: You betcha. (Jonathan Turley)

2) Question: I have found it helpful to my business to hold myself out as a three-time "Oscar winner" in sound design, even though I've never actually won an Oscar. I have, however, paid a jeweler to create a fake Academy Award statue, which I show potential investors. Any potential issues here?

Answer: Expect your first call from the Academy. (THR, Esq.)

3) Question: Hi, Derek Lyon here. For no apparent reason I was recently arrested by police in Scotland and taken to jail for four hours before being released. My car was impounded and when I couldn't afford to pay the fees to get my car back, the police crushed it. Without my car, I couldn't get to work and was fired. I also couldn't visit my kids for months because I lacked transportation (Did I mention my car was crushed?). Why is this happening to me?

Answer: Whoops, sorry about that! Wrong Derek Lyon.(Legal Juice)

Posted by Bruce Carton on October 22, 2009 at 03:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)


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