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Who Dat Writin' on Legal Blog Watch?

Good morning and Happy Monday, Saints fans. As our more astute readers will have noticed, the “Posted by” name at the bottom of this post is neither Bruce Carton nor Robert J. Ambrogi. I wouldn't even dream of referring to myself as Bob's “replacement” -- it's not hard to see the impact he's had in his years at Legal Blog Watch -- and Bruce's work here has been similarly stellar. So, while I make no representations or warranties as to my parity with either of these gentlemen, I am the guy who's going to be working this gig every other day going forward, hopefully for quite some time. Thus, I believe a brief introduction is in order.

To avoid any confusion for those of you who might be inclined to Google me immediately, let's start off by establishing who I'm not. Namely, former Minnesota State Representative and Deputy Secretary of State, Judge Eric Lipman, now of the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings (and a fellow law blogger). Though, because the judge and I share the bond that exists among all attorneys (and despite his being responsible for my inability to claim a decent Gmail address), I'd be happy to go ice fishing with the man any day.

Who I am is a former New York BigLaw litigator, former clerk in the Southern District of New York and former legal analyst for a “major financial information and news organization,” who is currently living in -- and loving -- Austin, Texas. I'm doing some volunteer legal work for a nonprofit, and now bringing you the best of the blawgosphere (though that word kind of makes me cringe). I admit to and embrace my status as a law geek, and also love writing, especially when I don't have to start every line with “Whereas ...” or “Attached hereto as Exhibit __ is a true and correct copy of ....” So, when the LBW powers that be asked me to come on for real after my guest post the other week, I jumped at the chance. In short, I am very happy to be here.

Perhaps, if I find enough interesting, thought-provoking, weird or hilarious law stuff to write about, I will one day overtake His Honor as the number one Eric Lipman on the Internets. In the meantime, I aim to keep you readers informed of significant legal goings on, and welcome input and feedback on things I've covered and/or things you think I should cover. Feel free to e-mail me with your thoughts at eric [dot] legalblogwatch [at] gmail [dot] com. I'm really looking forward to this experience and thank John Bringardner and the rest of the team for the opportunity. So, let's do this.

Posted by Eric Lipman on February 8, 2010 at 11:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (6)


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