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Blawg Review #259
Five years of Blawg Review. What started as a "blog carnival" for everyone interested in law has grown into a community that comes together every week to review recent legal news, opinions, and commentary from an increasing number of remarkable law blogs. We owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who has participated in Blawg Review and helped to build this community over the past five years. Lookin' forward to the next five.
Colin Samuels, who received Blawg Review of the Year honors in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, has put some serious thought into what's going on here.
Where once we were isolated legal students, practitioners, and academics who could share our thoughts only with those in proximity, blogging and social media have turned us all into a kind of "other memory" for one another. The knowledge, experience, and insight we are able to access here, within our ever-expanding networks of colleagues and friends, colleagues-of-colleagues, friends-of-friends, is nothing short of amazing. By participating, we are able to give and receive and grow beyond ourselves while allowing others to grow as well. Thanks to our tools, these memories need not fade or become inaccessible, but we should always keep in mind that tools do not create — we do.
If that sounds a bit esoteric to the "trench lawyers" among us, perhaps some might prefer to think of this as Continuing Legal Education. For this week's syllabus, questions were selected from the blawgosphere. Click on the link for each question to learn more, and join in discussions in the comments on the blogs.
We're not saying it's sure to get your blog permanently recorded as part of legal history, but it might help if you host Blawg Review. Several law blogs that have hosted Blawg Review over the past five years are now permanently archived by the Library of Congress. Just sayin'.

If you're interested in hosting Blawg Review, just let us know and we'll be happy to find an available date that's perfect for your interests.
Blawg Review of the Year 2009 at Cyberlaw Central shows the community of law bloggers helping Blawg Review host Kevin Thompson put together a photographic presentation on Towel Day. Now, doesn't that sound like fun?
Blawg Review has information about next week's host, and instructions how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.
Posted by Ed Post on April 12, 2010 at 07:19 AM | Permalink
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