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New Jersey Drunk Drivers Can Sue Bars for Serving Them Too Much

We've all seen what can happen when you mix New Jersey and alcohol. So Garden State residents (and visitors) should always be on heightened alert against too much imbibing. This is especially so if they plan on getting behind the wheel.

But an appellate court has now ruled (.pdf) that drivers who are injured in an accident -- even if they are admittedly hammered -- can recover from a licensed establishment that serves them when discretion would dictate that they should be cut off.

This despite a law on the books that says a driver convicted of DWI "shall have no cause of action for his or her injuries."

This article in the New Jersey Law Journal explains the decision in some detail. Here's to hoping it doesn't make patrons decide drinking and driving is a better gamble. I mean, again, we are talking about people from New Jersey.

Posted by Eric Lipman on April 30, 2010 at 01:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)


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