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Hurry Up With That 'No Tweeting' Rule!
Back in February, we brought you news of a new model jury instruction cautioning jurors that tweeting about a case was a no-no.
At Lowering the Bar, Kevin took a quick look at tweets about jury duty, and the results were predictable in demonstrating that the instruction is regrettably necessary:
- yo i was in jury duty two weeks ago. fell
asleep in court. twice. in one day. at least it was a civil case
- I very well could get in trouble for using my phone at jury
duty but still wanted to wish u happy birthday LOL
- sorry I just saw your reply. Well I went to jury duty
this morning and didn't get picked. It pays to show a bias ;)
- jury duty was cancelled. Man, and I was
looking forward to being a part of the judicial system and screwing a
minority. kidding.
Tweets have already led to at least one (unsuccessful) request for a new trial on grounds of juror bias. Though anyone foolish enough to send out some of the above messages likely wouldn't obey a rule anyway, the quicker the better.
Posted by Eric Lipman on May 24, 2010 at 02:34 PM | Permalink
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