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Thursday's Three Burning Legal Questions
Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.
1) Question: Man, this soccer team stinks! Why did I even bother spending the time and money to come out to watch this game? It's already 3-0!
Answer: If they give up one more goal you may be entitled to a refund. (Consumerist, Soccer Team Gives "Refund" After Epic 4-0 Beatdown)
2) Question:
I'm trying to find office space for my law office. Any suggestions?
Answer: Have you thought about hanging out a shingle inside Sears? (My Shingle, Should You Open Up Shop in Sears?)
3) Question: I have been dutifully trying to live by the "Be Green, Keep it on the Screen" and "Think Before You Print" mantras coming from my law firm. I'm helping the environment, right?
Answer: Ha! Haven't you seen the new "Put It on Paper" campaign from paper company Dunder Mifflin Domtar Corp. telling young people it's time to start printing everything out again? Print, baby, print! (Globe and Mail, Domtar: Print those e-mails to your heart’s content)
Posted by Bruce Carton on May 13, 2010 at 02:13 PM | Permalink
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