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Friday's Three Burning Legal Questions
Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.
1) Question: I am a nun living in a convent. What is this weed growing in our garden and why do the pigs like it so much? And why are our porters being arrested?
Answer: Sometimes police find an acre of marijuana growing in the gardens of convents and have to ask nuns some questions and arrest some porters. It happens. (BBC, Marijuana plantation in Uganda convent probed) (via Legal Juice)
2) Question: I am furious at the police speed trap in my hometown. What can I do about it?
Answer: Simple. Wait until the police department's domain name expires. Then buy the domain name yourself and create your own protest website using that domain name. (CBS/AP, Police Website Bought by Man Cited for Speeding...Who Uses Site to Complain About Police)
3) Question: Where's Bruce, Jr.? Ever since we got him that new Pirates of the Caribbean bed last night he has been up in his room.
Answer: Check in the hull of the ship. The boat/bed has been recalled as an "entrapment hazard to young children." (Consumerist, Super Cool Pirates Of The Caribbean Bed Recalled Due To Not Cool Entrapment Hazard)
Posted by Bruce Carton on June 11, 2010 at 02:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)