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Save the Date: July 12 for Law Librarian Karaoke
I don't know that it's worth a special trip, unless you're having a really slow summer, but if you happen to be in Denver two weeks from yesterday, either because you're lucky enough to live in that beautiful city, or because you're getting ready to file a suit challenging the University of Colorado's concealed weapons ban, you should clear your evening.
Thanks to the Law Librarian Blog, we know that Monday, July 12, will bring to the Mile High City an event not to be missed. In connection with the annual meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, some of your favorite law librarians will be getting their karaoke on!
Thanks to Ken Hirsh for proving that, despite abundant evidence to the contrary, law librarians do know how to have fun (even if they have to plan to do so over two months in advance). It seems librarian karaoke night is a 13-year-old tradition, now officially sponsored by the Computing Services Special Interest Section of the AALL, and last year's event in Washington, D.C., drew 75 participants. To be sure you don't miss any important updates, just look for the Twitter hashtag #karaokeken2010. No, I'm not kidding.
Have a blast, library dudes and dudettes. Just one word of advice: stay away from the Sinatra, for your own safety.
Posted by Eric Lipman on June 29, 2010 at 02:39 PM | Permalink
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