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Paul Hastings Summers: Get Rid of the Dubble Bubble

Ryan Earlier this week, Vivia Chen at the Careerist blog posted a mini-interview with Paul Hastings hiring partner Leigh Ryan

In Chen's series of five (so far) hiring partner interviews, Ryan was the first woman up to bat. I'm not sure why that's significant, but Chen pointed it out, so there you go. The interview touched on some of the topics you'd expect: grade inflation, how to rock (or screw up) an interview, etc.

Ryan also opines that, even in today's market, arrogance and entitlement on the part of law students seem to live on.

Do you see the opposite problem -- that is, being too cocksure? 
The sense of entitlement is very off-putting--the tone of "what do you have to offer me, when I have so many other offers to choose from?" 

Who tends to convey that?
Often those at the top law schools who have done well. But sometimes people have that sense of entitlement even when they haven't performed at the top of the class.

Who tends to be more arrogant -- men or women? 

In my experience, it's been men, though I probably shouldn't say that.

Oh, so that's why it's significant that Ryan was the first female interviewee.

When asked about the mistakes summer associates make once they've landed the position, Ryan cited behavior in real honest-to-goodness lawyer situations:

We take summer associates to client meetings and depositions, and sometimes they behave inappropriately--like not keeping their eyes open or showing up late for a client meeting. It's also not a good idea to chew gum or check cell phones for text messages during meetings.

I say if you find a law student who can chew gum and sleep simultaneously while at a deposition, snatch her up, as she likely has excellent multi-billingtasking skills.

Posted by Eric Lipman on July 16, 2010 at 01:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)


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