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Tuesday's Three Burning Legal Questions
Here are today's three
burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the
1) Question: I just returned home from a vacation. Why are half of my tools missing and the other half laying out in my front yard?
Answer: Sometimes burglars break into homes and hold a garage sale of the homeowner's possessions in the front yard. (Lowering the Bar, Burglar/Entrepreneur Breaks In, Holds Garage Sale)
2) Question: Whew!! Thank goodness that kind young man came to my door and warned me that unless I purchased an "ObamaCare" health care policy I would have
to go to jail! Who knew?!
Answer: Sorry, old-timer, but that "ObamaCare" offer is a fraud that has been perpetrated on senior citizens in California. (Consumerist, Do Not Buy Insurance Called 'ObamaCare')
3) Question: How in the world am I supposed to answer this interrogatory asking me to "please describe how 'beer pong' is played, including the needed equipment and/or materials"?
Answer: Like this! (Legal Juice, Yes, An Interrogatory About Beer Pong, And A Truly Awesome Response)
Posted by Bruce Carton on August 31, 2010 at 02:35 PM | Permalink
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