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Friday's Three Burning Legal Questions
Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.
1) Question: How many Fannie Mae lawyers does it take to ask a question at a deposition?
Answer: More than 13. (South Florida Lawyers, Akerman Thanks Litigation Gods for Chinese Drywall!)
2) Question: I am a gay man. Given the current state of the law, how am I supposed to accurately indicate my relationship status on Facebook? "Married?" "It's complicated?"
Answer: New choices are on the way! (Huffington Post, Facebook Adds 'Civil Union,' 'Domestic Partnership' To Relationship Status Options)
3) Question: I just went on my Gramma's cooking website to get her pea soup recipe. Why does Gramma's homepage now redirect me to a Department of Homeland Security page that says, "Website seized for trafficking in child pornography?"
Answer: Sometimes when the feds try to seize 10 domain names allegedly involved in distributing child pornography they accidentally take down 84,000 other innocent domains as you just saw. It happens. Sorry, Gramma! (Techland, "Operation Protect Our Children" Accidentally Shutters 84,000 Sites) (via Simple Justice)
Posted by Bruce Carton on February 18, 2011 at 11:47 PM | Permalink
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