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Tuesday's Three Burning Legal Questions
Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.
1) Question: Everytime I come to the Texas Capitol in Austin I'm forced to wait in this brutally long security line. Is there any way around this?
Answer: Of course. Concealed handgun license holders can zip on in to the building via the expedited "CHL access." (TPMMuckraker, Concealed-Carry License Gets You Fast-Track Access To Texas Capitol)
2) Question: The State Bar just imposed an order on me that I terminate my representation of all female clients and not interact with any woman as a client or prospective client. Can they do this? That's half the population!
Answer: Looks that way! (Legal Profession Blog, For Men Only)
3) Question: I'm a beauty queen for my city. I'm 5’8, weigh 129 pounds, and wear a size 2. Do city pageant officals have the right to order me to begin an exercise program and to “get off the tacos, get off the chips and the soda” in advance of the state pageant?
Answer: You'll need to check your contract with the pageant to see the extent to which they can limit your taco intake. (Turley, Taco Belle? San Antonio Beauty Queen Sues Over Effort To Strip Her of Crown)
Posted by Bruce Carton on February 15, 2011 at 07:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)