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Trend Watch: Future Pro Athletes Signing Faux Contracts With Family Members
Like the rest of the world, I was touched to read about the contract that T.J. Fredette asked his little brother Jimmer to sign in 2007, near the end of Fredette's junior year of high school. For those of you who have been in trial for the last two years or so, Jimmer Fredette is a basketball phenom who was just selected 10th overall in the 2011 NBA Draft and who will soon be playing for the Sacramento Kings.
The contract states that "I James T. Fredette agree on this day, Jan 27, 2007 to do the work and make the necessary sacrifices to be able to reach my ultimate goal of playing in the NBA."
The Jimmer-T.J. contract is pinned on the wall above Jimmer's childhood bed. Jimmer says the contract "engrained my NBA goal in my mind," and reminded him daily to do get in the shooting, exercise and drills he needed.
I had moved on from the cute Jimmer story when I saw today that as Derek Jeter closes in on his 3,000th hit as a Major League Baseball player, one of his sponsors, Brand Jordan, has introduced its new "DJ3K Collection" that features a pair of special trainer shoes and cleats. According to the Big League Stew blog, both pairs of shoes are lined inside with a reproduction of a "contract" that Jeter's father, Dr. Charles Jeter, handwrote and asked Jeter to sign on his first day of high school. The agreement "laid out a personal code of conduct, 18 points that cover everything from grade expectations ('3.8 or above, 4.0 -- extra reward') to his dating life ('Respect girls/like you want to be respected')." At the bottom, Jeter simply writes, "I agree."
Here is the Jeter contract as shown on the liners of the shoes (see the whole thing here):
So that makes two superstars with faux contracts with family members that I know of now, and I have a feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you will excuse me, I have to go draw up something for my four boys to sign.
Posted by Bruce Carton on July 8, 2011 at 02:54 PM | Permalink
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