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Netflix in Losing Race With Numerous Pot-Smoking Muppets for Twitter Username

Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it. -- "American Beauty" (1999)

As I have mentioned before, sometimes I feel the same way about legal blog watching. Sometimes there's so much crazy-stupid-funny news in the legal world, I feel like I can't take it. In a good way, though.

Take Monday's news, for example, that Netflix has decided to spin off its DVD mailing business into a separate company called Qwikster. After people got finished laughing at the name Qwikster, they moved on to laughing at the fact that Netflix apparently forgot to line up the logical Twitter user name for its new business, "@Qwikster." And unfortunately, that name already belongs to someone whose avatar is a pot-smoking Elmo, and who regularly tweets about "cute ass gurls" and whether now would be a good time to smoke a bowl of that good Elmo ganja (not surprisingly, his usual answer seems to be "yes"). Here is a representative post from @Qwikster:

As of this morning, @Qwikster had tweeted that he had been offered $1,000 for the Twitter name by an unidentified purchaser, and he was conferring with his "right-hand man," @SoccerIsLifegc7, about the matter. @SoccerIsLifegc7's initial advice seems to be that any offer must be enough to "buy a Bentley with" and "we're not talkin til the offers get in 6 figures." Perhaps to improve his professionalism should negotiations heat up, @Qwikster changed his avatar to some kind of shiny coat-of-arms late Monday.

Netflix's task of coming up with a suitable backup Twitter name should it not be able to persuade stoned Elmo to cough up @Qwikster is also starting to look like a challenge. As far as I can tell from a quick search, most of the logical names are now being snapped up by other pot-smoking Muppets. For example, @QwiksterMovies is now in use by Big Bird lighting up a joint:

 How about, say, @Qwikster2?  Sorry, that is taken by bong-passing Bert and Ernie:

In short, Netflix's future presence on Twitter has now turned into a high-stakes race between the company and every pot-smoking Muppet character for a usable Twitter name.

Posted by Bruce Carton on September 20, 2011 at 04:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (4)


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