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Wednesday's Three Burning Legal Questions

Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.

1) Question: A Tennessee "constable" just pulled me over for speeding as soon as I crossed the state line. Do you think I can talk him out of giving me the ticket?

Answer: Don't count on it. Those constables get paid $22 for every citation they write! (, Tennessee constables aren't salaried, but they can make money)

2) Question: I've been called for jury duty here in Michigan but I am a breastfeeding mom. Do I need to serve? 

Answer: For now, yes, you still need to report for jury duty. But if House Bill 4691 goes on to be approved by the Michigan Senate, then courts will have to exempt nursing mothers from jury service if they have a note from their doctor. (WXYZ, Rules may change for nursing moms called for jury duty)

3) Question: I have a small bakery. We placed an ad offering a 75 percent discount for a dozen cupcakes on Groupon and 8,500 people accepted the offer. To honor this deal, I will need to hire temporary workers through an employment agency to make 102,000 cupcakes, wiping out my profits for the year! Do I need to do this?

Answer: Yes. Start baking aggressively. (MSNBC, 102,000 cupcakes! Small bakery burned by Groupon)

Posted by Bruce Carton on November 30, 2011 at 01:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)


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