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Tuesday's Three Burning Legal Questions
Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.
1) Question: I was just flipping through the newspaper and stumbled upon my own obituary! And yet, I am still alive. It turns out my good-for-nothing son submitted my obituary so he could get some paid "bereavement" time off of work. Is this legal?
Answer: No, your son can be charged with disorderly conduct for this charade. (The Associated Press, Man prints fake obit of mom to get time off)
2) Question: I'd like to get the vanity license plate X32 IARO. Is this going to be a problem?
Answer: Do you really think the Department of Motor Vehicles does not have a mirror on hand to double-check your request? Request denied. (Legal Juice, Really, You Won't Allow This License Plate?)
3) Question: I'm a dad. I was playing in the father-son softball game at my son's Cub Scout camp and, after the competitive juice got flowing a bit, I accidentally ran over the adult catcher as I tried to score from second base on a single. Hey, he was blocking the plate! Can I be held liable in South Carolina for the catcher's injuries?
Answer: No. In South Carolina, at least, "recklessness by co-participants in a contact sport must be assumed as part of the game. Accordingly, a player assumes the risk of ordinary recklessness committed within the course of the game." (Legal Profession Blog, No Liability For Home Plate Collision)
Posted by Bruce Carton on December 13, 2011 at 04:05 PM | Permalink
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