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Things You Can't Do on a Plane: Vol. 17

You might think that after Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8, Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12Volume 13Volume 14Volume 15 and Volume 16 of Things You Can't Do on a Plane, that we'd have exhausted the list of things you can't do on a plane. Nope! The list grows daily.

Here are three more things I've recently learned that you cannot do on a plane:

  • (For pilots): Become distracted with your mobile phone and forget to lower the wheels for landing. Captains of planes cannot get so preoccupied with their mobile phone that they neglect to lower the wheels for landing. CONSEQUENCE: Cockpit alert will (hopefully) sound, notifying the crew to the lack of any wheels down, landing will be aborted and a second landing with wheels will occur.
  • Attack flight crew because your bag does not fit in the overhead bin. Passengers who are upset after being advised by a flight attendant that their carry-on does not fit in the overhead bin and must be checked may not respond by grabbing the attendant's arm and shoulder.  CONSEQUENCE: Flight attendant may place the passenger under a citizen’s arrest until police arrive to formally arrest the passenger on "suspicion of misdemeanor battery."
  • Leave your cellphone charging in the plane bathroom. Passengers may not leave their cellphone charging in the bathroom socket intended for shavers, as doing so may trick other passengers into believing there is a bomb on board. CONSEQUENCEPlane will make an emergency landing and, ultimately, the crew will ask any passenger missing their phone to "come forward."

Posted by Bruce Carton on April 20, 2012 at 04:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)


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