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Things That Exist, Vol. 4: 'Law School Death List'

I feel like I'm on my computer constantly, poring through hundreds of feeds and stories daily, spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of legal blogs and information you deserve. But I definitely miss a lot of things that everyone else seems to know about -- the type of things where I can only scratch my head and say, "Really?!? They have that? Never heard of it." 

Today's thing I never knew existed: Law School Death Lists

Courtesy of the "scambloggers" -- the army of young lawyers who have taken to the blogosphere with the mission of alerting wannabe lawyers to the futility of such a decision -- comes "The Law School Death List." As explained by the But I Did Everything Right! blog earlier this month,

Every year, there's some sickos on the web that predict which celebrities will die in the coming year.... 

Anyhow, based on this concept, unperson came up with a completely fabulous idea and I am going to push it as hard as my broke ass can: by starting The Law School Death List.

.... [T]he question is (drumroll please) which school is next

Whoever correctly guesses the next law school to fold wins a Kindle!

At the Law School Death Watch site, several schools are listed as possible "winners:" Whittier Law School, because of its "extremely low employment figures for its grads" and its California location ("the most lawyer-saturated state in America"); Golden Gate University, also in California and with a reported 22 percent of graduates holding jobs nine months after graduation; New England School of Law; University of La Verne College of Law; and several others.

If you want a shot at the Kindle, post your guess on the next law school to fold in the comments of the But I Did Everything Right post.

Posted by Bruce Carton on July 23, 2012 at 03:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (10)


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